Thursday, March 13.

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    Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Gyutan don

    Gyutan don. Gyutan don - makanan yang sempet famous sebelum salted egg chicken. This is my very first vlog. Hope you enjoy the video. and I apologize for my messy hair.

    gyutan-don-recipe-main-photo What's your favorite gyutan don, guys? #gyutandon #oxtongue the taste is always the same. Doesn't change at all be it the first time or oh I… http. Gyutan Don berupa nasi putih yang toppingnya irisan lidah sapi, berasa gurih dan pedas. Gyutan don very diverse and own mind taste that unique. Several kinds of Gyutan don recipes are also sufficient easy to process and do not pick up long. Although not everybody likes Gyutan don food, currently several people are getting attached and like the sundry Gyutan don foods available. This could be visible than the number of restaurants that provide Gyutan don as one of the dish. You can cook Gyutan don using 11 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

    Ingredients of Gyutan don

    1. It's of lidah sapi tipis2/ thin slice tongue.
    2. You need of mentega/ margarin.
    3. Prepare of grounded/ chopped garlic.
    4. It's of sauce.
    5. You need 2 of sp kikkoman soy sauce.
    6. You need 2 of sp sesame oil.
    7. It's 1 of sp mirin kikkoman/ subs with sugar.
    8. You need 1/2 of sp honey.
    9. You need 1 tsp of black pepper.
    10. It's 50 ml of water.
    11. You need of 2eggs beaten with salt (make an omelette first).

    Menu Gyutan Don berbahan lidah sapi yang disajikan di Restoran Negiya Dining Galaxy Mall Kota. Resep gyutan don - gyutan don recipe - duplikasi gyutan menya melbourne. Gyutan don - makanan yang sempet famous sebelum salted egg chicken. GYUTAN DON HALAL ALA RESTO MENYA NEGIYA ENAK MUDAH ANTI GAGAL RESEP GYUTANDON

    Gyutan don instructions

    1. Deep fry tongue with margarin and garlic untill brown.
    2. Make an egg.
    3. Make the sauce.
    4. Cook together : tounge + sauce.
    5. Put all over the rice + daun bawang for garnish.

    Gyutan Don adalah salah satu makanan khas Jepang yang menggunakan bahan dasar dari Lidah Sapi. Resep lengkap bagaimana cara membuat Gyutan Don dapat dilihat di bawah. Gyutan-don is a dish of grilled or stir-fried gyutan served over rice in a large donburi bowl. Tender gyutan from the back half of the tongue is thinly sliced for a dish similar to gyudon (beef bowl), but. Gyūtan (牛タン) is a Japanese food that is made from grilled beef tongue.

    To get ingredients for making Gyutan don recipes is also not hard. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and in fact on the market. There are many types of Gyutan don that are simple and fast to process into delicious serving. You can always practice this Gyutan don recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook another foods on our website, we provide sundry types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.

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