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    How to Prepare Appetizing Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon

    Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon.

    Roasted Potatoes  and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon very diverse and have mind flavor that unique. Few types of Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon recipes are also adequate easy to process and do not pick up long. Although not everybody likes Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon food, nowadays several people are get attached and like the sundry Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon foods available. This could be seen of the number of restaurants that provide Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon as one of the serving. You can cook Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

    Ingredients of Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon

    1. Prepare 3 cup of Brussels Sprouts.
    2. It's 2 small of Potatoes.
    3. You need 3 clove of Garlic.
    4. You need 1 1/4 cup of olive oil.
    5. You need 1 each of Lemon.
    6. Prepare 1 tsp of Salt.
    7. It's 1 tsp of pepper.
    8. You need 3 each of Thai Hot Pepper.
    9. It's 2 tbsp of Oregano.

    Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon step by step

    1. Dice Thai peppers and garlic, soak in olive oil with salt, pepper, oregano.
    2. toss in Brussels Sprouts and mix very well, add half a lemon juice, toss again..
    3. Add to pan and roast. add pieces of lemon for roasting. I like to roast until they are a color I like..
    4. When they are to desired carmelization, move to serving dish and enjoy..

    To get ingredients for manufacture Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the closest supermarket and indeed on the market. There are many types of Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon that are convenient and quick to process into delicious dishes. You can always praxis this Roasted Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts with Lemon recipe at home, and can serve it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook different foods on our website, we prepare various types of food recipes which are of course very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.

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